Sunday, 18 February 2018


I have always heard and read of prophecies dating back to independence about Kenya. That it will be a springboard for end time revival. It took me a while, but finally I understand and agree with these prophesies.
But the revival I have in mind is not about heavenbound people gathering in churches to await the rapture. It's a revival of the human spirit. A defeat of the domination system and a restoration that makes our life finally to start to make sense and have meaning. A throwing down once and for all of the shackles that currently enslave us, and an outpouring of real freedom amongst God's children. An establishment of God's Jubilee among God's people.
That revival is underway.
It will begin by the overthrow of the fake Jubilee that has installed itself as a false political kingdom riding roughshod over our nation.
But it shall not stop there. It shall spread East, West, North and South, overthrowing despots in its wake in Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, DRC and beyond. It will reach all the way to the Capitals of Europe, China and America and beyond until the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
These are the days all our forebears beheld only from a distance as in a dream, but did not live to see.
May we be worthy of them.

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